Saturday, February 13, 2010

Two bottom lines

I'm an avid Anchorage Daily News reader. Hardly a day goes by without getting my fill of the day's news.  The most recent article I've read that has me scratching my head is about the Red Roof Inn in Anchorage being turned into a "housing first" project for chronic homeless enebriates, as the paper puts it.

I disagree with everything about the project and am going to say I'm straddling both sides in an attempt to shoot both sides down.

First off, we have Rural Cap.  I applaud them for cooking up such a program.  Even if it's someone else's idea.  Anything that helps others is just great, isn't it?  Bwaaa.  Nope.  This is just another hand out program for someone that can't even make their own decisions for their own good.  What's that, you say?  They want help but all of the in-patient treatment programs have a waiting list?  If they can't make the simple decision to keep the cap on the peppermint Listerine bottle, that's their problem.  They shouldn't expect hand-outs, as this is the way they choose to live.

Now, for the Fairview Community Council.  Are they opposing this just for the sake of argument?  I mean c'mon.  Is this house going to DRAW unwanted people into the neighborhood?  Gimme a break.  Open your living room blinds for once to look out into the real world and bring yourself back to reality.  You live in FAIRVIEW.  Cripes.  You can't drive two blocks anywhere in Fairview without running into groups of people passing around a plastic bottle of some sort.  Not to mention all of the other shady looking people wandering around.  How's a project that's aiming to do good in your neighborhood going to harm your neighborhood?

You can't help people that don't even want to help themselves.

Wake up, you're in FAIRVIEW.

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